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Console knobs removed

Console knobs removed

Step 1: The console is completely de-knobbed.

Console stripped down

Console stripped down

Step 1: The console is completely stripped down.

Console dirt and grime before

Console dirt and grime before

Step 1: Built up dirt and grime is cleaned out (before).

Console dirt and grime after

Console dirt and grime after

Step 1: Built up dirt and grime is cleaned out (after)

Fan before

Fan before

Step 1: All looms and fans are cleaned, all power connections are checked (before).

Fan after

Fan after

Step 1: All looms and fans are cleaned, all power connections are checked (after).

Loose hardware from life on the road

Loose hardware from life on the road

Step 1: Any loose hardware in the frame from the modules is collected and replaced.

Loose hardware from life on the road

Loose hardware from life on the road

Step 1: Any loose hardware in the frame from the modules is collected and replaced.

Modules to be refurbed

Modules to be refurbed

Step 2: Cleaning the modules

Console modules stripped down

Console modules stripped down

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... The module is stripped and the module fascia is cleaned.

Fader cleaning before

Fader cleaning before

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... Fader packs are removed, cleaned and lubed (before).

Fader cleaning after

Fader cleaning after

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... Fader packs are removed, cleaned and lubed (after).

Switch cleaning before

Switch cleaning before

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... All switches are cleaned, lubed and blown with high pressure air (before).

Switch cleaning after

Switch cleaning after

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... All switches are cleaned, lubed and blown with high pressure air (after).

Before re-soldering

Before re-soldering

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... All potentiometer and switch contact points are re-soldered to correct problems and add strength (before).

After re-soldering

After re-soldering

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... All potentiometer and switch contact points are re-soldered to correct problems and add strength (after).

Burned resistor

Burned resistor

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... Module is examined for damaged parts; for example, blown resistors, swollen capacitors and fractured solder connections.

Swollen caps

Swollen caps

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... Module is examined for damaged parts; for example, blown resistors, swollen capacitors and fractured solder connections.

Fractured solder points

Fractured solder points

Step 2: Cleaning the modules... Module is examined for damaged parts; for example, blown resistors, swollen capacitors and fractured solder connections.

Console frame check

Console frame check

Step 3: Frame inspected and refurbished... Rear connectors are cleaned and re-soldered. Wiring connectors are cleaned and re-seated.

Power supply rebuiltand tested

Power supply rebuiltand tested

Step 3: Frame inspected and refurbished... Power supplies are rebuilt and tested.

Console re-assembled

Console re-assembled

Step 4: Re-assembly and diagnostics... The console is reassembled.

Knobs and fader caps cleaned

Knobs and fader caps cleaned

Step 4: Re-assembly and diagnostics... All hardware, knobs and fader caps are cleaned.

Console road case before

Console road case before

Step 4: Re-assembly and diagnostics... Road cases are cleaned (before).

Console road case after

Console road case after

Step 4: Re-assembly and diagnostics... Road cases are cleaned (after).

Console is fully QC'd

Console is fully QC'd

Step 4: Re-assembly and diagnostics... The console is put through a full diagnostics and any remaining problems are found and corrected.

Here at Creation Audio Labs we go beyond the standard repair work that might be found at a typical repair center. In fact, our refurbish and restoration process is unlike any that other companies offer. The services we provide are of the highest caliber. In most cases, the console is restored to "better-than-new" status. This procedure will cure intermittent pops and crackles, restore lost channels, correct super- and sub-sonic distortions and strengthen the console to increase its durability and stability. To find out more about this detailed process, please view our slideshow.  Hover over the picture for a description of each frame.


CONTACT us if you have any questions.


When you're sending gear for service, please fill-in this Service Agreement and include it with your unit.

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